Getting Started
allows you to calculate Generalised Hurst Exponents (GHEs) in a robust and performant way.
Install Hurst.jl
Before anything else, install Hurst.jl
in the usual way:
using Pkg
Updating registry at `~/.julia/registries/General.toml`
Resolving package versions...
Installed Hurst ─ v0.1.4
Updating `~/work/Hurst.jl/Hurst.jl/docs/Project.toml`
[f5425a1d] ~ Hurst v0.1.4 `~/work/Hurst.jl/Hurst.jl` ⇒ v0.1.4
Updating `~/work/Hurst.jl/Hurst.jl/docs/Manifest.toml`
[f5425a1d] ~ Hurst v0.1.4 `~/work/Hurst.jl/Hurst.jl` ⇒ v0.1.4
Precompiling project...
✓ Hurst
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds. 174 already precompiled.
1 dependency precompiled but a different version is currently loaded. Restart julia to access the new version
Get some data
The easiest way to demonstrate how to use Hurst.jl
is with Gaussian data, so we will generate a Gaussian walk ($Z(t) = \sum_\tau X(\tau), X(\tau) \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1)$).
using Hurst, Plots, Random
X = cumsum(randn(3000))
plot(X, label = "Gaussian walk", xlabel = "t", ylabel = "X(t)")
Define your $\tau$ range
calculates the Hurst exponent $H$ by estimating the moments of the absolute increments over some time delay $\tau$. If that sounds like gibberish, take a look at the Troubleshooting section which explains things in more detail. τ_range = 30:250
is a good place to start:
τ_range = 30:250
Calculate $H$
Calclating $H$ is as simple as:
H, SD = hurst_exponent(X, τ_range)
1×2 Matrix{Float64}:
0.538966 0.00533621
Notice that hurst_exponent
returns a 1x2
array. This is because we want to be able to calculate the Generalised Hurst Exponent (GHE) quickly as well and have a consistent API:
q_range = 0.1:0.1:1.
GHE_data = generalised_hurst_range(X, τ_range, q_range)
10×2 Matrix{Float64}:
0.608744 0.000868118
0.60024 0.00164312
0.591881 0.00233345
0.583698 0.00294632
0.575709 0.00348828
0.567926 0.00396541
0.560357 0.00438345
0.553006 0.00474784
0.545876 0.00506378
0.538966 0.00533621
plot(q_range, GHE_data[:,1], yerror = GHE_data[:, 2], xlabel = "q",
ylabel = "H(q)", label = nothing, ylims = (0, 1))
Further analysis
If you are trying to reproduce some results from papers that use the GHE, you might be interested in the quantity $\zeta(q) = qH(q)$:
zeta_data = Hurst.zeta_estimator_range(X, τ_range, q_range)
plot(q_range, zeta_data[:,1], yerror = zeta_data[:, 2], xlabel = "q",
ylabel = "ζ(q)", label = nothing)
If you want to see if the data is multi-scaling, you can fit parabola to this data with Polynomials.jl
using Polynomials
quadratic_fit = fit(q_range, zeta_data[:, 1], 2)
scatter!(q_range, zeta_data[:, 1], label = nothing)
plot!(quadratic_fit, extrema(q_range)..., label = "Quadratic fit")
#first coefficient should be almost zero...
3-element Vector{Float64}: